After two movie-less years,Pixar comes back in some style with its latest production-- Inside Out.A movie set in the mind of a little girl whose emotions are the main characters.We get to see Joy, Anger, Fear, Disgust and Sadness take charge of eleven year old Riley inside what is called "HEADquarters"(it's just a bad pun, I guess.)Something goes wrong up there and now we're set on an adventure. Literally and emotionally.

Just the basic premise of the movie is sheer brilliance.It's a never before seen concept and it's execution borders on perfection. Pixar, as usual, manages to get everything right.Most importantly,the characters.
"Meet the little voices in your head" the poster said,and boy does it deliver!Every emotion has its moment and while some get more screen time than the others,it only makes perfect sense.After all,you're not filled with much 'disgust' when you're as old as Riley is.
It does seem like we were getting too much of Joy's perspective in the beginning, but it all balanced out well throughout the entire movie.
The film looks great as well.It's vivid and colorful and the animation is top notch.But we've come to expect that from these guys(doesn't harm to say it once in a while though).
What I truly loved about the movie is how it managed to be a fun, enjoyable kid's movie but have a deep and meaningful aspect to it at the same time.Seriously, there are certain things and underlying themes in the movie that I don't believe any ten year old would understand. Now, if the same kid were to watch the film six years later, they'd discover a whole new facet to their beloved childhood movie. This fact itself is a huge praise to the filmmakers as it is a rarity within animated films.
Inside Out,being a movie about emotions,I expected to be 'emotional'.And it was.There are certainly a couple of tear-jerking scenes for the weak-hearted.
But the movie is quiet funny as well.In the smart-Pixar way.There are jokes for all age groups watching the movie.And I keep emphasising this,adults will appreciate Inside Out more than kids.That's not to say that it'll bore kids.No,in fact,there was a segment in the middle made just for kids that a grown up might remark as 'passable'.
There's not much else to say about this movie,except that you need to go watch it.Because Inside Out has a little something for everyone.It doesn't disrespect its audience by dumbing itself down.It tells how growing up can be a bumpy ride and it does so in such an interesting way.It's fun.It's creative.It's heart-warming.And it deserves your time.
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